Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Route 9 is a cafe located in the heart of Georgetown, Penang boasting a line of classic Malaysian dishes as well as some western favourites. Route 9 cafe newly opened cafe which is located beside Goh Kaki cafe in the Bishop Street before The Cruises Steak House and DCova restaurant. This is our group photo while doing our assignment at Route 9 cafe at Lebuh Bishop, Penang. It was a great experience having a conversation with the owner of this cafe. We get to know more about this cafe's owner on how she started open this business and how well she already run this business without facing any difficulties as she only manage this cafe for 7 months. In fact, she was able to face a challenging situation which the surrounding area there is quite a lot of cafe which has an ability to compete as they are new. But, once we enter into this cafe we are quite impress to see the environment and also the decoration which is so attractive and we can see that many people enjoy the meal with a convenience environment.

The owner of this cafe is Puan Norlia Binti Ahmad. During a conversation, Puan Norlia was told us that before she open this business, she only make this work as a hobby. But, because she was so obsess with baking and pastry she decided to fulfill her dreams and passion by started open a cafe which the concept is like having a "chitchat and eat cakes". Actually, the strengths of this cafe is they offer and serve a HALAL food which its hard for Muslim to find a HALAL cafe in this Bishop's area. The quality of the food is excellent. Besides that, the price is affordable and the location also easy to find.

We are highly recommend this cafe for those who likes pastry and a desert lovers. The food will definitely give a good taste and a wonderful experience.

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